Get social and upgrade to Intelligent Intranet

Intelligent IntranetTM brings the best collaboration and social functionality to your intranet without having to use third party add-ons.

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If your current intranet is starting to collect dust, or is lacking in functionality, it is time to upgrade to Intelligent Intranet.

If you have been managing a Sharepoint-driven intranet, you already know how easily the most capable of IT departments becomes a bottle neck.

Leave Sharepoint to deal with specific tasks it is good at, but get a proper tool for the intranet.

Be it project collaboration, creating your own personalised intranet workspace or taking part in leisure activities with workplace colleagues, the more employees interact with each other professionally and socially the better. And when best practice guidance or tips and hints are shared or published by a colleague, they are more likely to be adapted than when just included in the standard procedure. So the business case for social intranet is a very clear one.

Let talent shine

Charity fundraising

How much has been raised to date? Which team has raised the most funds this month? Where does the total stand against the target? Does anyone have top tips for fundraising? We think your charity committee will love to get their hands on Intelligent Intranet!

Snap and show

Nothing creates more interest and jolly laughter than photo galleries of staff events! So you definitely don’t want them on a third party application but to keep them safely on your intranet. The multiple image upload facility together with a wide choice of interactive image galleries and carousels means you will have them on the intranet fresh from the event. Laughter bonds people in a best possible way.

Bright ideas

A staff suggestion scheme can be a great way to improve customer service, to save costs and to create new market busting products. Just make sure you have the process in place to vet and implement the winning suggestions. The processes are easy to setup – and we will even give you a starting point and best practice advice.

Say it with videos

If your PCs can play them, use them. Whether you are delivering training or recording the CEOs breakfast briefings, videos are so powerful on the intranet and with Intelligent Intranet you can embed them and create collections with ease. Awesome!

For sale / wanted

A favourite on many intranets, managing for sale and wanted boards is easy with Intelligent Intranet. Did I say managing? Well, there is actually no admin overhead as the noticeboards will look after themselves.


Create multipage surveys like a pro with a drag and drop interface! Prompt users to fill them in. Export the results to Excel for further analysis at any time. If you want to target the survey to just part of the organisation, that is easy too.


Create interactive polls from yes/no to multiple choice anywhere on the intranet, with built in graphics to view the results. What a better way to engage staff to select the charities to support!

Ask away!

However much your CEO and executive board walk the floors, they are unlikely to have a chance to meet everyone in person. To give staff a chance to ask them questions directly, Intelligent Intranet Ask away! forums are ideal for the purpose.

Recent activity

Everyone likes to know what friends and colleagues have been up to. So we have turned ‘what’s new’ into personalised ‘recent activity’ so you can see at a glance who’s been doing what on the intranet. And now you can truly discover how headlines entice click through.


Is it a blog or a tweet? Both! They are Twogs, sort of micro blog entries, unique to Intelligent Intranet. Easy to add, great fun and useful too. Or use more like an Instagram to post photos – why not use it for competitor analysis or document health and safety walkabouts.

Floor is open

Open up the discussion and invite readers to comment on your content when it makes sense to do so. You decide. You also decide if comments should be moderated or not.

Customisable ratings

Want readers to rate the content? Or want readers to rate certain content not everything? Or do you want to find out a bit more than just yeah, helped me or nah, not helpful?

With Intelligent Intranet you can configure the rating options to be both useful and fun.