Online directory and knowledgebase for sustainable construction
Posted on Jun 30, 2010

The Environment Centre (tEC) launches the Sustainable Purchasing and Planning Centre - a one-stop-shop for the sustainable construction industry. This website forms part of the SISCo project, and brings together those involved in design, planning and construction of environmentally friendly buildings.
Using Smart Media's Intelligent WebCentre software and expertise, tEC were able to create a visually dynamic and user friendly website for SISCo's target audience. One of the main features of the newly-launched Sustainable Planning and Purchasing Centre is the directory of sustainable suppliers. This online database allows users to search for suppliers of sustainable products and services (from triple glazed window manufacturers to flood assessors) in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands. Not only can users view directory listings in more than one language, once they find a supplier of interest they can print the one page fact sheet for further reference. There is also an interactive form, which enables sustainable suppliers to easily submit their information for inclusion in the directory.
As part of the larger SISCo project, which is run by organisations from the UK, Belgium and the Nethelands, the website will play a key role in promoting sustainable construction and facilitating the exchange of information between suppliers, construction industry professionals, local authorities and developers. In addition to the directory of sustainable suppliers, the SISCo website also has a number of interactive elements to engage developers, designers and architects, SMEs in the construction sector, local authority planners, decision makers and suppliers of renewable technologies and services. These features include a help desk, forums, legislation resource bank, case studies, training and events.