Software development vacancies

Jobs for HTML5, CSS, .NET, iOS and Android developers in Basingstoke

If you have

  • the ability to learn any programming language quickly,
  • the ability to apply high standards to your own work and to those you work with,
  • commitment and lifelong enthusiasm for computing together with
  • the relevant academic credentials,

then you may well find that Smart Media offers you the working environment that makes you feel deeply satisfied with a sense of achievement.

For any development role, you need a honors degree in Computer Science or Maths from a red brick University combined with experience and/or knowledge in several of the following areas:-

  • Knowledge of a modern database language, ideally MS-SQL or Oracle
  • Knowledge of a web languages such as CSS, HTML5, JavaScript and XML
  • Understanding of data structures and entity relations
  • Good skills in programming languages such as Java, C#, Swift
  • Understanding of Internet applications
  • Good system level design knowledge