
The Intelligent WebCentre is the right strategic and operational choice for your content management system:-

The Intelligent WebCentre offers a proven platform based purely on Internet technology and using open standards architecture and SQL database, preserving your technological freedom.

The flexible infrastructure and licensing model allows you to deploy it across multiple sites with unlimited content. You can also easily create site content in multiple languages.

Its tried and tested content management capabilities are used by several large corporations both for web site and intranet ensuring that Intelligent WebCentre will operate reliably for years.

The ease of installation, ease of use and reliability ensures a rapid and successful deployment. For speed of deployment, the Intelligent WebCentre comes ready with special purpose templates for press releases, job vacancies, locations, events, image library, members database, projects, accommodation and links database.

As part of a modular and extendable suite of ‘Intelligent’ products with product catalogue, e-commerce, workflow and extranet facilities, you can seamlessly extend the functionality of your site(s).

Developed in the UK and available directly from the development company, you can be assured of the high quality of implementation support and flexibility to integrate to your existing applications, without having to pay for interfaces and compatibility with proprietary systems that you don’t need.

This page was printed from Smart Media(R) website at http://www.smartmedia.com/

For more information on intranets, extranets, enterprise content and document management,
e-commerce and web-based workflow solutions, call us on 01256 346454
from within UK or dial +441256346454 if you are calling from outside UK.

Smart Media(R) is a registered trademark of Smart Media Limited.