Insights into Intranet, CMS and business process world

June, 03 2016

FBF Red dots or red blokes

It is a Saturday morning in a call centre, at the dawn of the digital television transmission. ONDigital was the market leader, and the settop box was about to become a standard kit in many living rooms. But as it happens, the signal was not always strong enough and that could cause the screen to have red...
Posted in: intranet
August, 01 2016

Intranet innovation for future employees

As an intranet manager, you may have been frustrated at times when some employees have lacked digital skills you take for granted or been skeptical about the need to embrace new technologies.

But in a few years, will today’s digital champions be seen as the old dinosaurs who do not want to give up email or MS Word or file system?

For several years now we have been lucky to work closely with your future employees – those 13-14 year olds who are just about to make their selections for GCSEs. At the annual TeenTech® Hampshire event 200 bright students try their hands on in various scientific experiments provided by national and...
Posted in: intranet
November, 16 2016

How employee communication needs to change

At a recent enterprise M3 conference, Lucy Adams. MD of Firehouse, founder of Disruptive HR and Ex-HR Director at the BBC called for fundamental changes in employee communications, HR policies and performance management.

Annual staff engagement surveys have changed little

By large, and regardless of the organisation, the annual staff engagement surveys keep coming up with the same results, year after year – we want better communication and better career development. In fifteen years, the stats have not...
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