Domain name registrations and other domain services

Information on this page is related to Smart Media services as a Nominet Registrar. Smart Media provides domain name registrations and DNS services as part of the turnkey design, CMS and implementation services for business customers.

Domain services

Information on this page is related to Smart Media services as a Nominet Registrar. Smart Media provides domain name registrations and DNS services as part of the turnkey design, CMS and implementation services for business customers.

Domain related charges

Providing DNS for your domain is included in the annual website managed service. If you have more than one domain, then additional DNS entries are charged at £50+VAT per annum per domain.

Release of domain to another NOMINET tag is free of charge if requested within 3 months after the managed service contract has ended. Later requests will carry an admin charge of £200 plus £50/domain/year charge calcuated from the end of the managed service contract.

Contacting us

General enquiries

Please use the online form or call us on 01256 346454.

Abuse reports

If you suffer abuse from any domain please contact the registrant (ie. the company who owns the domain) in the first instance as they are responsible for all content on their website. The website owners are contractually obliged to ensure that the contents on their website do not infringe any applicable laws, regulations or third party rights (including material which is obscene, indecent, pornographic, seditious, offensive, defamatory, threatening, liable to incite racial hatred, menacing, blasphemous or in breach of any third party intellectual property rights).

If you do not get any response from the domain owner, and the domain registrar is SMARTMEDIA, we may be able to help you to get in touch with the relevant person. Please make sure you give clear details of the alleged abuse and send to nabuse (at


If you have any complaint about our registrar service, you can write to us at

Smart Media Ltd
Customer Services
10 Berrington Way
RG24 8GT

If you provide a return address or your full name and email address, we will contact you within 5 business days.

The general Nominet’s registrant terms and conditions are available at